Where are you located and what are your business hours?

We are located at……. Please feel free to visit our store during business hours from 0900 to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday.

How long does it take to process Returned Merchandise (RMA)?

Under normal circumstance it takes between 3 to 5 days after we receive the product to check, verify the casue of damage and attribute cause whether it is a manufacturing defect or some other factors. Please fill out the RMA form at (www…………) to get details, track the return and process them in a timely… Continue reading How long does it take to process Returned Merchandise (RMA)?

What sales tax do you charge?

We charge 13% HST for customers located in Ontario and aspply the tax rate of the province being shipped to. e.g. Products shipped to Alberta are charged a sales tax rate of 5% GST.

Do you offer payment terms?

Our business is strictly on pay and buy terms.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept a variety of payment methods for orders placed on our website: Cash Credit Cards (Visa/Mastercard) Wire transfers e-Transfer (Interac) You can also pay via cash if you are visiting our warehouse.”

What is your return policy?

We offer 30 days return policy on specified products after adjusting for a 15% processing and restocking fee.

What else? - Four questions people always ask:

Do I need to be a registered business to signup with you?

Yes please do sign up as our wholesale business terms especially preferential pricing are only available to bonafide retailers.

How do I register my business account with Cellntell?

Its very simple. Please fill out our customer registration form on our website at www.cellntell.com and we will respond within the same or maximum next day.

Are there minimum order / purchase quantities requirement’s?

No we do not. We want to ensure that you purchase the quantities you need, sell them as fast as you can and replenish your orders.

Can individuals buy from CellnTell?

We are wholesalers and only sell to bonafide retailers / resellers, sub wholesalers, national retail distribution chaines and bulk buying corporate customers.

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